Walk Tall, Kick Ass


Wish List


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'Cause it's turkey...to eat...so good!

WTKA wants to wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving!

Istanbul, NOT Constantinople...

OOPSIE! Wrong Turkey :-)


Introducing Thomas Edward Martin (Teddy)

We came home from St Croix just in time to meet Baby Teddy (born 11/17). What a cutie! Mommy Gretchen did try to induce labor at our wedding, but Teddy just wasn't ready :-)

CLICK HERE for more photos of Teddy Martin!

If you have 90 minutes to spare, take a look at our honeymoon photos!

When it's just the two of you on a pretty unpopulated island, you have to learn to master the "self portrait" sans double chin. I think we finally got it by the last day :-)

CLICK HERE for all 1,145 photos. ENJOY!

Far Away Fans

ravens at beach
Originally uploaded by Mr_Matt.

Just because we are in St Croix does not mean we didn't hunt down a TV showing the Ravens game. Watching from the beach! Let's go Flacco!

Mr & Mrs

Here are a few photos from our weekend wedding...CLICK HERE for a bunch more!

Bridesmaids at Rehearsal Dinner (Megan, Jenn, Mer the Bride to Be, Laura, Becky)

Matt & Mer @ Rehearsal Dinner

Mer & Matt

Mer as "The Bride"

1st Dance - I'm the Man Who Loves You

1st Dance - I'm the Man Who Loves You

MMM cake!

The 'Berg Crew


nom nom nom!

dis one c/o Jen

Lilly has ulterior motives to casting her ballot...

c/o Ted and Gretchen and Lilly the Pup!

Halloweenies at Work

Check out The Office, all dressed up for Halloween!

Your Hosts





