Walk Tall, Kick Ass


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They say you will eventually start resembling your significant other...

Exhibit A: I give you Jenn & Rob - Office Twins.

She calls it a mayon-egg


Made for Dr House - if only he had pierced ears

vicodin earrings on boing boing.

4 Years.

"No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun — for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax — This won't hurt." - Hunter S. Thompson 2/20/2005

This is one of my favorite videos of Hunter when he appeared on the Conan O'Brien show...

More at the Flying Dog Blog

Ladies and Gentlemen...I give you - THE SNUGGIE!

Thanks Melinda, for this fabulous photo :-)

We <3 Sushi Hana

Valentine Roll @ Sushi Hana
Share photos on twitter with Twitpic
Also at Sushi Hana...an advertisement for Plan B in the Ladies B-room!
Plan b ad in the bathroom of sushi hana - wtf? on TwitPic

Why you shouldn't get dressed in the dark

c/o Jen (pictured)

Bale Out!

Possibly the best Christian Bale freak out remix. The Kleptones - Who Cares? (Bale Out Remix)

now THIS is a good ider!

Bottle of Wine Giant Glass

Why share? Fill this large wine glass with an entire bottle of wine.

Happy World Nutella Day!

...one day late.

BTW, we 86ed Roethlisberger!

Your Hosts





