Walk Tall, Kick Ass


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Green is The New Black

Mr Matt and I are savin' the planet, one bag at a time. ChicoBags are handy to take to the grocery store and they shrink up so you can carry them in your pocketbook!

Free Eats Day!

Free Iceberg today @ Carvel from 3pm-7pm! There's one in Hunt Valley!

I also heard that you can get a free spicy chicken sandwich @ Chick-Fil-A today if you say "I can take the heat," but I can't find any links to back that up. There's a Chick-Fil-A right near the Carvel in Hunt Valley!

Chicken + Ice Cream = TOTALLY FREE DINNER

Happy 28th Birthday Mr. Matt!!

Above: Matt 28 long years ago!

Above: Matt celebrating his big 2-8 at Woodberry Kitchen

Missing Bea

This weekend, the world of comedy lost one of its best, Bea Arthur. I had the extreme pleasure of seeing Bea's one woman show during college. Even with a broken foot, she still had Tracey and I rolling in our seats. Bea, we love ya! We hope you are enjoying some cheesecake with Sophia tonight. Thank you for being OUR friend :-)

That's MY cake!

Today I went to a Bridal Show with Laura. Guess who's wedding cake I found in the SugarBakers brag book?? OURS!

Why get married if not to have your wedding photos all over the internet?

It seems like Vineyard Vines really liked our infamous JUMP photo! Thanks to Jason Lee, our awesome wedding photographer :-)

PS - also on Page 11 of the Spring Catalog!

best bar EVAR!

Esquire Magazine names Baltimore's own The Brewer's Art the BEST BAR IN AMERICA! w00t!

Pass me onna dem der crabs hon, and a BOH!

Blue Crab Population is UP!

This Fall on Bravo - Top Facebook? I'D WATCH!

Online Bromance: Stefan and Fabio Continue to Fascinate

Passover in Washington

President Obama held what the White House believes is the first Seder to be hosted by a sitting American president at the White House.

I KNEW that email was true, maybe he IS my 3rd cousin once removed!! Apparently, Jewish is The New Black - LOLZ!

Robyn Hitchcock & The Venus 3

Photos of Robyn Hitchcock & The Venus 3 (aka The Minus 5) at The Black Cat in DC.

Emails are the new black

Apparently, the new way to tell your friends and family that you are expecting is by attaching THIS PHOTO to your email.

Subject line: So crazy!
Email Body: See attached


Sometimes a gal just needs a pink drink

Mer & Becky @ Holy Frijoles!

Check out Small Sur!

If you happen to live in the Mid-West, check out my co-worker AUSTIN on tour with SMALL SUR for the next 9 days!! He's the one in the glasses. CLICK HERE for info and tour dates. Kick Ass Austin!!

Your Hosts





