Walk Tall, Kick Ass


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Happy 29th Matt!

Happy almost 30 :) Hope you have a great day!

Twins with Quinn?

Last night on Glee, Quinn wore a shirt that I have from Anthropologie. I was really excited at first, but then realized that she is supposed to be pregnant on the show...ugg.

M&M's Adventures in Cooking!


Spinach Pies!

Bread & Goat Cheese Dip!


James and Gill Tie the Knot!

Congrats guys! This photo pretty much sums up the evening :)
Enjoy all of our Athey Nuptial photos!

Sue Sylvester, Dance on Air

Gawker put together a comparison of Sue Sylvester's "Vogue" from this week's Glee with the original. Shot for shot it is on the money.

Lifted from Glee's 'Vogue' Vs. Madonna's 'Vogue': A Comparison

Farming is the New Black

The future Mrs Sweitzer!! (in 4 days...)

...it seems like just yesterday she and Adam got engaged!

The New Garden

Last Sunday we spent the day digging a new garden in our front yard! If we get one eggplant, I'll be happy :)

Preppy Pantaloons

So Apparently there's going to be a Sequel to the Preppy Handbook published later this year. I doubt it'll live up to the greatness of the original 1980 version, but, unsurprisingly I own the same embroidered pirate pants Chip Kidd, the co-author, has in this NYT photo. I wear them better if I do say so myself.

Matt & Marty - dance off

Say it isn't so!

David Cross: 'Arrested Development' Movie "Not Going to Happen"

Twin Passovers

Our Passover dinner looked a lot like Dana & Andy's!!

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