Walk Tall, Kick Ass


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Happy Purim!

Giada aint got nothin' on us!

Mr Matt and I celebrated Valentines Day by making heart-shaped ravioli...and some sailboats too :)

Check out all of our Ravioli making photos HERE!


Looks like our hon lady bird-feeder has an extra high beehive today!

That is my car to the left of the tree!

Paralyzing Snow

Call it what you want, SNOWpocalypse, SNOMG, Keyser SNOWze, SNOWmageddon, SNOWsaycanyousee...but the east coast is getting a whole bunch of snow this weekend! Thank goodness Mr Matt and I got that 2nd shovel!

Here is the Wegmans parking lot (across from my office) in preparation for the storm:
OMG @wegmanshntvlly is packed!! #ihatesnow on Twitpic
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