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Les Chartreux maitres de forges
De *Auguste Bouchayer *
[image: Book's Cover ofLes Chartreux maitres de forges]
3.6 étoiles ...
4 years ago
Cs 2017: Beyond Productive Tensions: Reconfiguring Modal and Disciplinary
I’ll be presenting at CCCC 2017 (#4C2017) on navigating tensions that arise
when operating outside of one’s expertise, as brought about by situational
or m...
7 years ago
Last night Noah asked why we didn't have a calendar to look at the days so
I grabbed one for $1. Turns out he was only really thinking about Christmas
and ...
8 years ago
Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival 2015
My mom, step-dad, and a couple they are friends with went on an awesome
cruise that started in Tokyo, went around to near where I live in Aomori
9 years ago
Searching for the Needle
‘Somewhere – she’s out there.’ I think to myself yet again. It’s a tired
statement. It’s wearing out its welcome.
I thought I was on a path of somethi...
9 years ago
Hey all! Guess what? I’ve moved! Head on over to
for recipes, healthy tips, and yoga fun! See you over there! Love, Abby
10 years ago
We don’t need no stinkin’ shoes! Alex, 18 months...
*We don’t need no stinkin’ shoes! *
Alex, 18 months old.
11 years ago
another set of feet.
{photo by Alison Jane Photography}
11 years ago
Oh the 70s…
…A time when you could give your teething infant daughter a turkey bone on
Thanksgiving and no one batted a eyebrow. What’s that? You tied the turkey
bone ...
12 years ago
Rites of Spring
The first real ride of the season - a seventeen mile soupcon south of Iowa
City. Many cyclists joined me in this grim and painful salute to a
glorious, sun...
13 years ago
last call
Please update your RSS feed to feed://
to keep up with our doings. We'll be forwarding this ...
14 years ago
Four Months
At my four month visit I weighed 13.1 lbs, and was 24.5 inches long.
Here are my four month professional pictures
14 years ago
Royce Loses Her Front Tooth
Royce finally lost one of her front teeth. She had been working on this
thing for well over a week. For Carrie and I it was a real struggle to
watch it d...
14 years ago
Making Progress
The unpacking continues. While it may not look it, we are making
significant headway on the unpacking of our apartment and making it a home
and not just a ...
14 years ago
Apparently my blog got picked up by a blog listing! I guess I need to start
posting again.....
15 years ago
Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'. That is the ant way of life. Ants are
tireless workers who take great pride in their homes, and take great care
of one...
15 years ago
A Major Milestone!
Check out this video to see our latest major milestone for Teddy!
15 years ago
shows in Paris!
We have three good options for attending concerts in Paris when we're there
in February--three bands I've read much about, but have never listened to:
Ra R...
15 years ago
Big Changes
Big changes, my vast readership. There is a new character on the scene, and
her name is Edith Barack Fluffypaws. Outstanding kitty pics to follow.
16 years ago
At least she gave me the book!
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